Cellulite: exercises to eliminate it

Dear friends, today I would like to share with you some exercises to combat cellulite. Let's face it, all we are a "affected" by this little imperfection. The sedentary lifestyle is certainly among the causes which favor cellulite. The correct medical term is pannicolopatia edematous-fibro-sclerotic and is an inflammatory process that produces exudation of fluid in the intercellular spaces, and if left untreated leads the atrophy of capillaries and infiltration of fat in the intercellular spaces. All this causes a subsequent increase in fat cell volume, water retention and fluid stasis in the intercellular spaces.

 There are three types of cellulite, divided according to the stages:• Edematous: Create an edema that fluid accumulation and is present in adipose tissue, especially around the ankles, calves, thighs and arms.• Fibrous: characterized by small nodules and the classic skin orange peel. Painful if massaged.• Sclerotica: the tissues become hard and will result in large nodules. It 'also very painful.Cellulite must be fought with weapons 4: diet, massages, two liters of water a day and exercise regularly practiced.Gymnastics only works when combined with proper nutrition: reducing sugars, fats, carbohydrates and sweets, eat white meat, legumes and fish. Abound with the rations of fruit and vegetables and reduce water retention consume pineapple, grapefruit and red fruit.In a study of 120 women suffering from this unsightly result it is that 79% did not do any physical activity, so it is useless to spend money to cure cellulite unless you exercise. The only "free" remedy is movement.The exercises should initially be aimed at the reactivation of the circulation of the blood vessels in the legs and buttocks. Definitely the best activities to reduce cellulite are those that aim to restore tone to the muscles of the legs and firm up the buttocks: bike or exercise bike, long walks to activate metabolism, stepper, water aerobics and swimming.Aerobic activity should still be practiced for at least 40 minutes because the body starts attacking the fat after about 20 minutes.E 'can also carry out other simple exercises that help in the fight against cellulite. It 'important, however, to have perseverance and confidence, do not be discouraged if after a week we do not see the desired results.We can make vertical and horizontal leaps and lunges (5 minutes each) and then conclude with a brief 20-minute ride. After the race we do a self-massage of the legs, through rich in allantoin cellulite creams, especially inner thigh from the bottom 's high for about five minutes.Another exercise is to contract the buttocks. You can do that when you are sitting, when you are working, when you drive your car, when you wash the dishes, when you are at the table. This serves to lift the buttocks, it takes perseverance but in the end the results are good.Third exercise: standing with a chair on your left, resting his left hand on the back and the right hand on the right side. Squeeze your buttocks and lift your right leg bringing it back. Remain in this position for a few seconds then riappoggiate leg. Repeat for 15-20 consecutive times, then change legs.Fourth exercise: Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, bend your legs and lift your hips off the ground. Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds then return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 20-30 times.Fifth and final exercise: Lie on the right side, resting her head on folded arms. Lift the left leg stretched to 20-30 times in a row, then turn on the other side and repeat.


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